Through my volunteer work as a leader for my company's Social Impact Team, I organize the distribution of needed goods to our local unhoused shelters, coordinate events to spread awareness of communities in need, and provide opportunities for employees to give back.
Over $4,000 raised for RAINN, the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network in one day.
Denim Day April 24th, 2024
Denim Day is a single-day worldwide event where participants dress out in denim for Sexual Assault Awareness month. My company agreed to my pitch for a Denim Day fundraiser that would require a donation of $10 for every employee who participated by sharing a photo on Slack.
The challenge: how to raise awareness and get remote participation from a company of over 600 employees? Our solve: to craft impactful infographics that spread awareness about the prevalence of sexual violence and the roadblocks survivor's face in pursuit of justice.
Our goal was to get 15% participation and raise $1,000.
By 12pm noon, we'd hit our goal. By 2:30pm, we doubled it.
By the end of the day, we'd exceeded our goal by 4x.
Together we raised over $4,500 to go toward's RAINN's emergency hotlines, legal counsel and trauma support for survivors and their families.